What to Expect When Having a Tooth Extracted

A very common procedure at a dental clinic near you is tooth extraction. Having to get a tooth removed could be necessary for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include; having joint problems in your jaw, too much damage for your tooth to be repaired, shifting teeth, a baby tooth that won’t fall out, wisdom teeth, or you may need to make room for other teeth.


Before having surgery to extract a tooth your dentist in Davie will ask you for your full medical and dental history along with a list of any medications you take. The list of medications will need to include; any supplements, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, along with any medications you’re allergic to.

Your dentist will take X-rays to assess the best way to go about the removal of the affected tooth. Depending on how long your oral surgery is your dentist might require you to take antibiotics before the surgery as well as after the surgery. This will also vary if you have a specific medical condition and your dentist in Davie will discuss this with you if necessary.

Surgery Day

If you are scheduled for tooth extraction, your oral surgeon will start by numbing the area where the tooth extraction will be taking place with a local anesthetic. They will be specifically numbing your affected tooth/teeth, the surrounding gums, and your jawbone.

The extraction process is simple and, commonly, you will feel a lot of pressure as the affected tooth is rocked back and forth loosening it for removal. During this process, you should not be feeling any kind of pain, but if you are, notify your oral surgeon right away. If you are experiencing any pain they will use more of the numbing agent so you won’t feel any pain.

Surgical Extraction

Tooth extraction by way of a surgical extraction is a bit of a more complex procedure. A surgical extraction occurs when you have a tooth that needs to be removed but has yet to break through the gum line or it has not fully grown into your mouth. Your oral surgeon will make an incision in your gum to be able to have access to the affected tooth. Once the incision is made the procedure is similar to the simple tooth extraction. After the tooth is removed if necessary your oral surgeon will stitch up the incision site.

After Surgery

After a tooth extraction in Davie, your oral surgeon will ask you to bite down on the gauze for 20-30 minutes. Biting down on gauze will place pressure to help form a blood clot, which is a very crucial part of the healing process. You will need to be very careful to not dislodge the blood clot.

In the 24 hours after the surgery, it is very common that you may experience a small amount of bleeding. After a tooth extraction near you, your dentist will provide detailed instructions for you to follow after your procedure.

After a tooth extraction, professionals at the dental clinic near you will remind you:

• To take pain medication as recommended or prescribed
• Eat only soft and cool foods for the first few days
• Chew food away from where the tooth was extracted
• Don’t use a straw or spit as it can cause the blood clot to dislodge, setting your healing time back
• Avoid brushing the area directly around the extraction site for the first 24 hours

After a tooth extraction near you the extraction site will typically close up in about 2 weeks, but it could take up to 3-6 months for the soft tissue and bone to regrow.

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