It is almost inevitable for many of us to experience discoloration or stains on our teeth as we age. There are various reasons why our teeth can be stained, but the major causes are eating or drinking food that contains coloring agents, or even not properly brushing our teeth when we should. Whatever the case might be, there is a way for us to restore their bright and white color. 

A dentist in Davie, FL can provide you with teeth whitening treatment or discuss the options you have and whether or not they are safe to use. 

Please note that some of these whitening options have side effects, and they are very mild, but they are equally safe to use, provided you follow the instructions given to you. 


Just as we stated earlier, there are several teeth whitening options and methods available, but in general, they are classified into three major categories.

1. The method administered or prescribed by your dentist
2. Procedures are given to you by the dentist that can be used in your home by yourself
3. Over-the-counter measures; used without the prescription or supervision of your dentist

You should note that a particular method should be chosen based on certain factors such as:

The type and level of discoloration you have
How quickly you want to see results
Your budget 

In our best opinion, it is always safest to seek teeth whitening in Davie at a dental office near you. This is because you can speak to your dentist about your prior medical or dental history, expectations of the treatment and after-care before going straight into having your teeth whitened.


Professional teeth whitening involves the two following procedures: 


This is the first professional whitening option. In-office teeth whitening is performed at your dentist’s office. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide used is higher, and he or she will use a lightning effect to enter your enamel and lift the stains. In-office whitening is also very ideal for people who are suffering from obstruction lesions or have a problem with receding gums.


The second method is an at-home method, where the dentist provides you prescriptions and professional whitening products to use in your house without coming into the actual office. The dentist will provide you with custom trays where you will apply the whitening gel to and place them in your mouth. These trays should be left on your teeth for 30 minutes or 1 hour, depending on how the dentist requires you to use them. Although this option is not as effective as in-office whitening, it is still effective and safe to use. 


Over the counter measures are the measures that you take when you want to perform the teeth whitening process yourself without needing a dentist. The only downside to OTC measures is that the products might not contain carbamide peroxide, and if they do, they will contain a very minimal amount. What this means is that if your teeth are overly stained, you might never get that bright and white color back.

However, certain over the counter products have the ADA Seal of Acceptance on them. This means that you can purchase such products and feel entirely safe or confident when using them. It is highly recommended that you purchase products that are approved by the ADA. 

Some examples of the OTC products that can be used are:

Whitening toothpaste – This contains abrasives and chemicals such as blue covarine to make your teeth appear whiter after you brush. It does not contain carbamide peroxide. 

Whitening strips – They contain hydrogen peroxide in minimal quantities, and you are directed to use them just as directed by the manufacturer.

Activated charcoal– This is the most unsafe and untested method. Many claim that it works, but there is no scientific proof behind it. You should head over to your dental clinic in Davie before using any over the counter product to avoid damaging your teeth.

1 comment:

  1. Great read! Thanks for sharing the post about teeth whitening. Very useful and informative.
