Understanding TMJ Symptoms and Pain

If you’ve experienced symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction — sometimes referred to as temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) — you may already have discovered that the symptoms and causes of the condition are often not well understood. That occasional lack of clarity adds considerable frustration to a condition that is already potentially painful and debilitating.

Common causes include arthritis in or around your jaw, a misaligned bite or an injury such as a dislocated jaw. Other risk factors for experiencing the symptoms of TMJ disorder include clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth as you sleep (sleep bruxism) and experiencing high stress.

What are common TMJ symptoms?

People living with TMJ disorder often suffer a range of symptoms that includes some or all of pain in or around your ear(s); neck aches and headaches; tender jaw muscles; pain while chewing and yawning; an inability to open your jaw completely without pain, or at all; and even a clicking or popping sound in your ear when you open and close your jaw. In some cases, people with TMJ dysfunction even suffer hearing loss, something that makes more sense when you consider just how close your TMJ is to your ears and how interconnected all the tissues of your face and head are. 

One of the many frustrating and mystifying things about TMJ disorders is how these symptoms will sometimes seem to disappear on their own. We totally understand the relief you’ll feel when the symptoms ease but want you not to let down your guard. The absence of symptoms does not mean that the underlying dysfunction has disappeared. You’re at risk of continuing damage to your TMJ and of the sudden and unexpected re-emergence of symptoms and pain. 

What are the treatment options?

There is a wide range of options for TMJ treatment in Davie. Which option is right for you and your symptoms depends on the severity of your symptoms and any identified underlying cause. Here are some of the available options for treatment in Davie (ranging roughly from least to most invasive):

Mild symptoms of TMJ dysfunction not explained by any underlying dental or medical condition that could contribute to jaw pain are often eased simply by eating softer foods and using ice packs when symptoms are at their worst. 

If your symptoms may be related to — or worsened by — stress, stress management techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises and even gentle soft tissue massage in the affected area may provide some relief. 

Wearing a mouthguard while you sleep at night can realign the position of your jaw and adjust the way your teeth meet. Doing so can reduce some of the tension placed on your jaw for the hours you’re sleeping. This is especially important and potentially effective if you experience sleep bruxism, the condition where you clench your jaw and grind your teeth. Bruxism places extreme pressure on all the muscles and tissues in your face, including your TMJ. 

Prescription medications to relieve pain, relax your jaw muscles and help you sleep can also provide some relief from TMJ symptoms. 

For people with TMJ symptoms that do not respond well to those less invasive treatment alternatives, more invasive options for more severe or persistent symptoms include injections and surgery to alter the shape and alignment of your jawbone and facial muscle structure. 

If you’ve been experiencing any of the symptoms of TMJ disorder, be sure to let a dentist near you know as soon as possible. Providing you with some relief may be a simple and quick process. Even in more complex and persistent situations, a dentist in Davie can help you obtain effective TMJ treatment near you as soon as possible. 


  1. Well written article exploring the symptoms of TMJ and Treatment Options to treat this condition. Good content explaining the different methods a dentist will use to help alleviate pain and mitigate the symptoms of TMJ once the conditions becomes symptomatic. Thank you have a wonderful rest of the day.
    Dentist Philadelphia

  2. Bruxism, jaw thrusting, osteoarthritis, trauma, disease, lack of overbite are just some of the possible causes of TMJ syndrome. Finding the best TMJ specialist is the next logical step once the symptoms and signs are confirmed as TMJ disorder.

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