You Should Start Thinking About Getting Dentures If…

No one is in a rush to think about getting dentures, but it’s an issue that is worth considering early rather than late. Living for long without teeth is unhealthy, uncomfortable and damaging to your self-esteem. There’s no magic date when any particular person should think about getting dentures, of course, but there are a few indications that some sort of tooth replacement will be in your future and that the time is nigh to turn your mind in that direction. 

If you’re having any of the following five experiences, it might be a good time to get in touch with a  dentist near you to discuss your options for getting complete  or partial dentures in Davie. 

… you suffer from severe toothaches

You may have a tooth infection that has penetrated the interior of a tooth and is affecting the tooth’s nerve. Even serious infections can be treated via root canal without requiring an extraction, but the worst infections may require that the tooth be pulled and replaced with partial dentures near you

… your gums are bloody, red, tender and swollen

You should arrange an appointment with a dentist near you as soon as possible. Mild gum disease in the form of gingivitis can be treated effectively and reversed but periodontal disease that has progressed to the point of periodontitis will destroy gum tissue. At that point, your tooth will lose much of the protection and support they need. Your teeth may become loose and fall out or need to be extracted.

… you have loose teeth

Loose teeth may mean that gum disease present in your mouth may have progressed beyond the gingivitis stage. Unless a dentist near you is able to remove all sources of infection quickly, the gradual loss of gum tissue may end up with lost teeth and a need to obtain partial or complete dentures in Davie. 

… you have lost teeth

Even if you have plenty of teeth left, forcing those fewer and fewer teeth to do all the work of two full jaws is unhealthy and will cause significant pain and discomfort. While you may not be eager to bid adieu to your remaining natural teeth, extracting them and replacing them with complete dentures near you may be the best option for your health. 

… eating hard and chewy foods is getting difficult or painful

The remaining teeth that you do have may be damaged or decayed. Some of that damage may be attributable to overworking those remaining teeth to compensate for the loss of others. Or the tooth decay and gum disease that contributed to the loss of your first few missing teeth may be about to claim some more. In either case, get in touch with a dentist and let them know that your tooth loss is progressing to the point that dentures may be a necessary next step. 

There comes a point when dentures, even with their admitted limitations, are a healthier and safer option than living with less than a full complement of healthy teeth. To find out whether you have reached that point of no return, contact a dentist near you who will examine the health of your remaining teeth, gums and jaw to identify all your options going forward. There’s no deadline for doing this, but here’s our best advice. If you’re going to err at all, err by beginning to think about dentures from a dentist near you too early rather than too late

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